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Marketing Definition-From Consumer-Oriented to Value-Driven Marketing

Last Updated 2021.12.21

What is the current definition of marketing?

During the Industrial Revolution, marketing was mainly based on manufacturing. From there, it has changed to consumer orientation in the information industry era, and is now evolving into value-driven marketing. This transition in the definition of marketing is summarized in Marketing 3.0 advocated by P. Kotler, who organized marketing into an academic system.

P.F Drucker’s definition of marketing

P.F Drucker says that the purpose of a company is to create customers, and that the company has only two basic functions. It’s marketing and innovation.
Marketing starts with the customer because the purpose of the company is to create the customer. What do customers want to buy? It starts with asking what you find value in and what you are satisfied with.
Drucker’s marketing definition is clear. Marketing aims to understand customers, tailor their products and services to them, and sell them on their own. In other words, marketing is about creating a system that sells without doing anything.

P. Kotler’s Marketing Theory

P. Kotler, who organized marketing into an academic system, is a social that acquires what individuals and groups need and want by creating value, delivering that value, and exchanging it with others. , Defined as a business process.
Kotler’s marketing theory is in the era of industrial revolution, marketing is also evolving due to the evolution of industrial technology, and the era when the purpose was to sell products to buyers with material needs is marketing 1.0, more sophisticated with mind and heart. Marketing 2.0, a holistic customer with a mind, heart and spirit in the social era, with the aim of satisfying and retaining consumers by utilizing information technology. We define Marketing 3.0 as the present, which aims to make the world a better place.

Definition of Marketing by Japan Marketing Association

Marketing is a comprehensive activity for market creation through fair competition, with companies and other organizations taking a global perspective and gaining mutual understanding with customers.

Other organizations include institutions and organizations such as education, medical care, and administration.
The global perspective is the emphasis on domestic and foreign society, culture, and the natural environment.
Customers include general consumers, business partners, related institutions / individuals, and local residents.
Comprehensive activities refer to various activities related to research, products, prices, promotions, distribution, customers, environmental relations, etc. that are integrated and coordinated inside and outside the organization.
Is defined as.

Since the home of marketing is Europe and the United States, the definition of marketing in Japan is somewhat abstract or too broad and vague.
The word value is very important, and Google has grown into such a big company by providing users with a valuable search experience. Google updates its search algorithms daily to provide better search results to its users and to introduce them to websites of better value. This is a business that makes money by updating the search algorithm and giving users a valuable search experience so that more users can use it and also click on the website displayed as an advertisement. Because it’s a model.

Google’s user first

Google’s user-first marketing allows users to provide a valuable search experience for free, and Google gets more users to use the service, resulting in higher advertising revenue. .. It is a business model in which both the customer and the company that are placing the advertisement have a win-win relationship by satisfying the consumer, the user, with a valuable search experience and having the advertisement clicked.

If Google shifts its policy to customer-first, which advertises instead of user-first, consumers named users will not have a valuable search experience, and the websites of companies that advertise. The search results will be just as good, and users will be separated in a blink of an eye.

Google’s search algorithm is updated daily

Google’s share is now global. If Google catches a cold, users will sneeze. It has become such an influential existence. We, the creators of websites, have to write articles with the intention of providing valuable articles to the users who are searching, rather than creating articles with Google’s search algorithm in mind. Our website creator marketing aims to provide valuable articles to users who are looking for the information they are looking for by entering search keywords in Google’s search form. A long time ago, it was possible to display it at the top of the search by SEO measures using keyword selection and meta description. However, Google’s search algorithm is updated daily and calculates various factors in a complex manner to display search results. I think that it is no longer a lukewarm thing such as keyword SEO, but it has reached a level that can be called AI search.

What should I do if I want to make it higher in the results of the current Google search? I would answer this question. The only answer is to provide Google users with valuable content and articles that answer the information they are looking for. This is the essence and the answer.

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