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SEO measures from -2022 to realize SXO search experience optimization

Last Updated 2021.12.25

SEO measures from -2022 to realize SXO search experience optimization

Website SEO: Search engine optimization measures are becoming more difficult year by year. Currently, the content of articles and backlinks are important for SEO measures. What does the content of the article mean? Is the content of the article the answer of the user who searched for it? That is important. This is because the user who is searching is searching the website because he wants to solve some problem based on the search keyword. If you can understand the search intent from the search keyword and prepare the article content that will be the answer, you can satisfy the user.

Next is the backlink. Since the advent of search engines, backlinks are also regarded as important in the current method of using websites, where users search for websites and view the content to complete the search behavior. This is because websites that have acquired backlinks are likely to have valuable information and content that will satisfy users. Therefore, in the past, there was a time when the fraudulent act of mass-producing many websites and sending backlinks to the content that you want to display at the top, commonly known as black hat SEO, was popular, but now Google’s algorithm has been updated and such black hats SEOs are being spotted and excluded from search results.

So, SXO: How can we achieve search experience optimization? The answer has already been mentioned above, but it is necessary to prepare web content that will be the answer of the users who have searched. If you write it briefly in words, it will end with this one word, but you will find that it is very difficult to create web content that will be the answer of the users who have searched. The reason is that you can imagine many answers from the search keywords. Now, I will explain how to concretely perform SXO: Search Experience Optimization.

What is a search experience?

SXO: Search experience optimization, which has become more important in SEO since around 2016. What is this search experience? I will explain about.
What is a search experience? A search experience is a series of steps from when a user starts a search behavior to when the search behavior ends. Users have a purpose and enter keywords in search engines to search. Then, find the content that seems to be the answer from the search results and click the destination. Users browse the content on the site. Eventually, the user will either achieve the purpose of the search or repeat the search action if it has not been achieved. This series of steps is the search experience.

What you need for SEO measures

There are three main things you need to do to get a higher ranking in SEO measures.

  • Internal measures
  • External measures
  • SXO

The first internal measure is what is written on the site. In other words, it is important that there is an article on the website that will be the answer for users who have searched with search keywords.
The second external measure is whether you have a lot of backlinks. Content that receives backlinks will be highly evaluated by Google. In addition, it can be said that a website that actually receives backlinks looks highly reliable in the content of the article, and it is highly possible that the website will satisfy the users who have searched. However, if the quality of the original website that receives the backlink is low, Google will judge that the backlink is not worth it even if you receive the backlink. Therefore, black hat SEO is now a risky and less effective SEO measure.
The third SXO has been becoming more important year by year since 2016. SXO: Search experience optimization is also an important factor in SEO measures, and 2022 SEO cannot be talked about without SXO. In order to increase SXO, it is necessary to increase the element called URA.

U: Usability

U in URA means usability and operability. If the website has an interface that is easy for users to use, even if you visit the website with a slight deviation from the search keyword, it may look around the site and search for and browse the content that answers the search intent. Hmm. If that happens, users will be satisfied with the website and will be highly evaluated by Google. As for the design of websites, it can be said that SXO has an advantage in web design that is easy to move around. With the evolution of search engines, it tends to focus on only one page in a website, but it means that web design for migrating users who visit the site is also effective for SXO and SEO.

R: Relevance (compatibility)

R stands for relevance, suitability. Suppose a user has something to know and starts a search action. The user searches the website that answers with multiple keywords. At this time, if the search keyword and the web content containing the content of the article that is the answer match, the user is more likely to be satisfied. This is R: Relevance. In order to improve suitability, it is important to imagine and post the content of the article that will be the answer from multiple keywords.

A: Authority

The last A means authority, authority. Authority means that the content of the website is written by the leading person on the road, or that the backlink from the highly authoritative website is acquired. What exactly should we do to increase authority? The reality is that there is currently no such methodology for increasing authority. That’s because if the leading person on the road runs a website on a .com or .net domain, how would Google consider that website to be an authoritative website? Even now that the search algorithm is updated daily, it is said that this authority is the only criterion for judgment.

It’s a domain and a backlink. For example, if the domain is .co.jp, which requires legal personality to acquire it, or if information is sent in the domain of .ne.jp, how would Google’s algorithm judge it? Since it is a .co.jp or .ne.jp domain, you may decide that it is okay to put more trust in web content than a general-purpose domain of .com or .net.

Another backlink is something that has long been emphasized in SEO. Websites that receive a lot of backlinks = It is judged that many websites recognize it as a useful site, and Google also highly evaluates it. Recently, articles spread on SNS such as Twitter are said to have the effect of increasing authority. However, it should be noted that the spread on SNS such as Twitter may be a burning project, so it does not necessarily increase the authority.

Anyone can take SXO measures

From here, I would like to list SXO measures that anyone can do.
This concrete measure is a simple and indispensable level.

SSL for websites

This is a measure that Google has been promoting since around 2016, which is to make the entire website SSL (encrypted) in order to secure browsing of the website. If the URL of your website is https: //, you have SSL. On the contrary, if it is http: //, a warning will be issued on the latest Google Chrome browser. Recent rental servers have the option of SSL-enabled for free, so if your website is not currently SSL-enabled, let’s do it immediately. SSL conversion of websites not only enhances SXO, but is also effective for SEO. Websites that are SSL-enabled are also given preferential treatment in terms of search ranking. This is also announced by Google.

Increase page display speed

Page display speed is a factor that greatly affects SXO and SEO. Data has been released overseas that the page exit rate jumps sharply when the page display speed exceeds 3 seconds. Therefore, a server with a high processing speed of less than 3 seconds is required for the page display speed of the website. Google has also announced the effect of this page display speed on search results, and if the page display speed is fast, the search results will be given preferential treatment. Therefore, Japanese rental servers advertise their rental servers with various complaints such as fast page display speed and crisp display even on WordPress sites, claiming that the server specifications are high speed.

In order to increase the page display speed of the WordPress site, there is a method of migrating the rental server to a server with a high processing speed, using a cache plugin. To migrate a rental server, you need to migrate the entire WordPress site, and there is a cost to rent a new rental server. Cache plugins display pages faster, but have the disadvantage of causing a time lag before they are reflected on the table page when the content is updated. From a long-term perspective, migrating a rental server is more costly, but it can increase the page display speed in a stable manner.

Also, the size of the image used on the website has a great effect on displaying the website. It is recommended to pay attention to the size and capacity of the image and resize it to an appropriate size and capacity before uploading. If you are not good at using image retouching software, you can also use a plug-in to compress the image size. I won’t cover it in detail here, but by introducing an image resizing plug-in, you will be able to reduce the image capacity.

Conductor design

Conductor design is URA’s U: usability improvement mentioned above. Improving usability is related to web design, so in WordPress it is a theme selection. As a result of the high performance of search engines, website content is used by users so that each content is cut out, but the website design is excellent and usability is excellent. This will allow users to reach the article they are looking for with a small number of clicks. The ideal is a web design that allows you to reach any article content from the top page with 3 clicks. In the world of the WEB, there is a 3-click rule. There are various theories, but I think that it is rational from the viewpoint of usability to reach the target WEB page with these 3 clicks.

Content that meets your search intent

It is important to have content that meets your search intent. This is important from an SEO perspective, but it’s also important for SXO. In the current SEO way of thinking, it is important to comprehensively include search intent in articles. For example, what are the users who are satisfied with this article, what is SEO / SXO, and how to improve SXO by assuming keywords such as SXO method? It is necessary to comprehensively include such contents in the article. What is this article SXO? If you can write an article correctly about specific ways to enhance SXO, users will be satisfied and Google will rate it as valuable content.

What is SEO for many blogs? I’m writing an article about big keywords such as what SXO is, and I’m trying to display it at the top. However, these big keywords have many search intentions in the first place, and there are many answers to those search intentions, so it is difficult to write them comprehensively in one article. Therefore, it is important to write an article with a slightly more focused content using compound keywords. If the content exceeds 6000 or 7000 characters even if you narrow down the theme with compound keywords, it may mean that the target keyword is large. There are several ways to deal with this, such as adding a little more compound keywords, digging deeper into the content to make it darker, or dividing the article into target compound keywords.

Ultimately, satisfying reader satisfaction is important for SEO and SXO, so if you include it because you have to write an article comprehensively, what you want to convey to users in that article will be blurred. .. In such a case, it is important to narrow down the theme and sometimes take measures such as dividing the article.

Write an easy-to-read article

The last is to write an easy-to-read article. Of course, readers don’t read articles that are difficult to read. There are various ways to write easy-to-read articles, so I would like you to read and study WEB writing books, but it is also a story in the area of ​​WEB design. What if you have a website that has content that matches your search intent, but the fonts and font colors are hard to read? I’m sure users will read the beginning of the article and find it difficult to read, and they may leave immediately. Fonts and font colors are one element of web design, but in the end, if you don’t consider readability because it’s too close to the design, the blog is unreadable and is judged to be worthless by Google. It may be done.

To reduce user withdrawal rate

In SEO, it is a minus that users leave immediately for whatever reason. There are various reasons such as the reader writing an article that is difficult to read or the page display speed is slow, but if the user is dissatisfied with the website and immediately leaves, it will not be possible to display it at the top of the search results. You need to find out why users are leaving quickly.
That is to take a look at your website once on your smartphone. Currently, about 80% of users’ search behavior is influx of searches from smartphones. Try displaying the article on your website on your smartphone, and if it is difficult to read, try rewriting it, darkening the font color, changing the font size, and so on.


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