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UK GDPR is even tougher-Complianz GDPR & CCPA Cookie Consent Plugin

Last Updated 2021.12.17

UK GDPR is even tougher-Complianz GDPR & CCPA Cookie Consent Plugin

I wrote about GDPR earlier.

It is a law concerning the operation of personal data that began to be applied in the EU from May 25, 2018. It is intended to regain control and enhance protection of personal data for all individuals (citizens and residents) within the EU (European Union). In short, it is a law concerning “processing” and “transfer” of “personal data”. The adaptation of the GDPR imposes many obligations on businesses that collect and process personal data.

Protect the personal information of users in the EU and the Personal Informat...
Does your website support GDPR? Once you start multilingualizing your website to attract English-speaking users, you need to display a cookie approval banner that supports GDPR and CCPA. It makes sense to comply with the GDPR from the perspective of protecting personal information.

Just because it is an EU law does not mean that Japanese websites and services can be ignored. In fact, I have received an order from a client company for a GDPR-compliant project on my website. As a background, I received an order for a project because it is necessary to comply with GDPR for the UK that has left the EU at Brexit, but when I searched for a GDPR compatible with the UK GDPR, Complianz GDPR & CCPA Cookie Consent When I found a plug-in and proposed it, I was asked to implement it with that plug-in. In this article, I would like to explain how to make it compatible with the UK GDPR.

Complianz GDPR | Installing the CCPA Cookie Consent Plugin

Go to “Plugins”-> “Add New” on the left menu of the management screen. If you enter “Complianz” in the plugin search form, you will see the Complianz GDPR | CCPA Cookie Consent plugin. Click the “Install” button to install and then “Activate”.

Complianz Plugin Setup Wizard

After installing and activating the Complianz GDPR | CCPA Cookie Consent plugin, the setup wizard will launch. After transitioning to the screen shown above, select the “UK-GDPR, PECR, Data Protection Act (United Kingdom)” item and turn on the radio button. This plugin can support EU GDPR, UK GDPR, US CCPA, PIPEDA (Canada), but you need to upgrade to the paid version to support more than one at a time. However, if you comply with the UK’s GDPR, which is the strictest rule, you can also comply with the personal information protection regulations of other regions, so this article will explain the setting centered on the UK’s GDPR compliance.
Press the “next” button.

Documents settings


Select how you want to add your Cookie Policy.
Select how you want to add your Privacy Statement.
Select how you want to add your Disclaimer.

The above three items set whether to automatically generate a document about the cookie policy, privacy policy, and disclaimer, or to link to a pre-made page. This site has a cookie policy, privacy policy, and disclaimer on the privacy policy page, so select “Link to custom page” and select the “Privacy Policy” page from the pull-down menu.

Website information settings


Who is the owner of the website (person or company)?
What is your address?
What is your country?
What is the email address your visitors can use to contact you about privacy issues?
What is the telephone number your visitors can use to contact you about privacy issues?

The above 5 items are information about the website operator. This is also the information required for automatic generation as in the case of document setting described above. It is not necessary if the document is selected in “Link to custom page”, but just in case, enter the minimum information.

Cookie scan settings

This screen automatically scans the cookies used by the website and displays them in a list. I don’t do anything about this cookie, so I think it’s okay to recognize that such a cookie is being used. After confirming the cookie, press the “next” button.

Statistics settings


Do you compile statistics of this website?
The cookie scan detected Google Analytics on your site, which means the answer to this question should be Google Analytics.
Because you’re using Google Site Kit, you can choose which plugin should insert the relevant snippet. For more information on this subject, please read this article.

Do you get statistics when you translate Japanese with Google Chrome? Will be translated as. Do you use so-called analytics? I’m asking that, but I think most websites use Google Analytics, so
“Yes, with Google Analytics”

Regarding the previous question, can you give more information?
I have accepted the Google data processing amendment
Google is not allowed to use this data for other Google services
Always block acquiring of IP addresses

From the conclusion, check all of these items.
In this item

Do you agree with the terms of use of Google services?
Does Google agree not to use the information it collects for other Google services?
Do not get an IP address

is what it means. I think that I read and agree to Google’s terms when using Google Analytics, so check all of them.

Statistics -configuration settings

Do you want Complianz to configure your statistics?
Does the translation integrate analytics settings into Complianz? It will be a translation to the effect. This is whether to let the Complianz plugin control the tag output of analytics, but if you need to support GDPR in the EU and GDPR in the UK, this item will be “YES”.

Enter your tracking-ID
If you add the ID for your statistics tool here, Complianz will configure your site for statistics tracking.

If you are using Google Analytics, this form will automatically enter your analytics ID.
It should be noted that this Google Analytics setting can be set by various plugins, but in order to control analytics with Complianz, it is necessary to work with Google Analytics by Site Kit by Google plugin. Please note that it does not support Google Analytics output by third party plugins such as All in One SEO, which is famous in Japan and the world. My client also had trouble controlling Google Analytics due to the All in One SEO plugin.
tracking-ID will be the old analytics property starting with “UA”. It is unconfirmed whether Google Analytics 4 is supported. Site Kit by Google is not yet compatible with Google Analytics 4, so I think it’s okay even after Site Kit by Google is compatible with Google Analytics 4.

Integrations settings


This website uses cookies or similiar techniques.
The cookie scan detected 37 types of cookies on your site which means the answer to this question should be Yes.
Do you consent to the use of the cookiedatabase.org API?
Do you want to hyperlink cookie names so visitors can find more information on Cookiedatabase.org? These links will be added with HTML attributes so it won’t hurt SEO.
Does your website use third-party services?

This website uses cookies or similar technology. Will be translated as. Although it is each item, the conclusion is that all are “YES”.
The cookie scan has detected 37 different cookies, which translates to you need to answer yes.
Do you agree to use the cookiedatabase.org API? This asks if you want to connect to the cookie database via the API. This is also no problem as “YES”.
Would you like to hyperlink the cookie name so that visitors can find more information on Cookiedatabase.org? These links are added with HTML attributes so they don’t adversely affect SEO. Website visitors can access Cookiedatabase.org. This is also “YES” and there is no problem.
Does your website use a third party service? If you are using a third-party web service, select “YES”. This also includes Google services such as Google Analytics.


Select the types of third-party services you use on your site.
Do you want to block reCAPTCHA before consent, and when consent is revoked?
Does your website contain embedded social media content, like buttons, timelines, videos or pixels?

Select the type of third-party service you want to use on your site. Select and check the third party service you want to use on your website.
On this site, we have checked Google reCAPTCHA, Google Maps, OpenStreetMaps, and YouTube.
Currently, Google Maps, OpenStreetMaps, and YouTube are not embedded in the content, but since they may be used in the future, I decided to set them just in case.
Do you want to block reCAPTCHA before and when your consent is revoked? This blocks reCAPTCHA without cookie consent. If set to YES, it will be a security problem. If the user who refuses the cookie is an unauthorized user, reCAPTCHA will not be able to protect it. Therefore, this item is set to “NO”.
Does your website have embedded social media content such as buttons, timelines, videos, pixels, etc.? Since this site displays the timeline of Twitter and Facebook, select “YES”.


Select which social media are used on the website.
Does your website use cookies for advertising?
Are any of your advertising cookies used to show personalized ads?
Does your website use WordPress comments?

Select the social media you want to use on your website. Since this site displays the timeline of Twitter and Facebook, check Twitter and Facebook.
Does your website use cookies for advertising? This site displays advertisements, so select “YES”.
Are there any advertising cookies used to display personalized ads? This also uses personalized advertising using cookies, so set “YES”.
Does your website use WordPress comments? Since comments are stopped on this site, select “NO”.
After setting up to this point, press the “next” button.

Used cookies settings


With the automatic cookie scan, most first-party cookies should be detected. These cookies will be synchronized with cookiedatabase.org to get the latest information and complete descriptions. Descriptions are by default synchronized with cookiedatabase.org to keep your Cookie Policy up-to -date. To manually edit the cookie, either disable synchronization in your dashboard or make a contribution to cookiedatabase.org. The cookiedatabase.org community will be asked to add missing cookie information. To know more about cookiedatabase.org and cookie descriptions, please read this article.

Most first-party cookies are detected using automatic cookie scanning. These cookies are synced with cookiedatabase.org to get the latest information and full description. The description is synced with cookiedatabase.org by default to keep your cookie policy up to date. To edit cookies manually, disable synchronization on your dashboard or contribute to cookiedatabase.org. The cookiedatabase.org community will be asked to add the missing cookie information. Read this article for more information on cookiedatabase.org and cookie descriptions.
There is. On this screen, API connection with cookiedatabase.org is used to acquire cookie information and display it in a list. All you have to do here is check the cookies used.

After confirming the cookies used, press the “next” button.

Used services settings


The following services use cookies on your website to add functionality. If desired, you can use cookiedatabase.org to synchronize information and edit services. Unknown services will be moderated by cookiedatabase.org and added as soon as possible.

As mentioned above, the cookies used on your website are informationed and synchronized through cookiedatabase.org. I don’t think this process itself conflicts with GDPR, so if there are no problems, press the “next” button.

All steps have been completed Setup completed

It seems that Create documents and Link to menu are the items to be set when the documents are automatically generated. This site has a privacy policy page and it is set, so press the “next” button to skip the setting.

Click’Finish’ to complete the configuration. You can come back to change your configuration at any time.
Please check your website if your configuration is working properly. Please read these instructions to debug any issues while in safe mode. Safe mode is available under settings.

Click Finish to complete the configuration. You can always go back and change the configuration. Cookie banners and cookie blockers are enabled. Check the website to see if the configuration is working properly. Read these steps to debug the problem in safe mode. Safe mode is available in the settings. Will be translated as. You can start over with this configuration wizard at any time. You can always redo the setup by selecting “Complianz”-> “Wizard” from the left menu of the management screen.
Click the “finish and check cookie banner settings” button to move to the GDPR cookie banner display settings.

Cookie Banner Opt-in settings (consent for statistics) settings

Customize the appearance of the actual cookie banner by clicking the “Opt-in settings (consent for statistics)” tab from the left menu “Complianz”-> “Cookie banner” on the management screen. The items to be set are Categories, which are surrounded by a red frame. To support the UK GDPR, you should select either “Accept all + Categories” or “Accept all + View Preferences”.

If you edit the text of the input form on the left side of the above figure and “Save”, the text of the cookie banner in the red frame on the right side will change. You can edit the cookie acceptance approval text in Japanese, or you can make it easier to understand in English. You can edit this setting item as you like.

Complianz GDPR & CCPA Cookie Consent Plugin Summary

It’s been a long time, but did you understand how to comply with the UK’s GDPR? Since this site aims to expand to a multilingual site in English and Chinese in the future, GDPR was indispensable, so I think it was a good project to study. Please refer to those who operate multilingual websites and those who are in charge of WEB of companies that will develop multilingual websites in the future.

Protect the personal information of users in the EU and the Personal Informat...
Does your website support GDPR? Once you start multilingualizing your website to attract English-speaking users, you need to display a cookie approval banner that supports GDPR and CCPA. It makes sense to comply with the GDPR from the perspective of protecting personal information.

Introducing various technical techniques and tips of the WEB industry. Disseminate useful information for WEB application tips such as Photoshop, WEB staff, individuals and freelancers centering on Wordpress.

WEBTECH also provides WordPress consulting services

WEBTECH also provides WordPress consulting. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Thank you for contacting WEBTECH.Please use the form below to contact us for work requests and advertisement placement.On this site, the data submitted from the form by SSL is encrypted and transmitted securely.Please contact us after understanding the privacy policy of this site.WEBTECH Privacy policyGoogle form contact


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