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Jetpack Plugin – Facebook/Twitter Link web acceleration multifunction plugin

Last Updated 2021.01.31

Jetpack Plugin – Facebook/Twitter Link web acceleration multifunction plugin

Jetpack is a multifunctional plug-in with everything from security and performance to marketing and design.
I can't introduce everything, so in this article, I will explain only the settings that are required from installation, but if you want to know more about Jetpack's features, please check the link below.

Jetpack – WP セキュリティ、バックアップ、高速化、成長
バックアップやマルウェアスキャンなどの強力なワンクリックツールで、WP のセキュリティを向上させます。 統計情報、CDN、ソーシャル共有など必須の無料ツールを入手できます。

Install the Jetpack plug-in

From the left menu of the extra-→ click "Plug-in" and "Add New" to go to the new plug-in add screen. If you enter "jetpack" in the plug-in search form, the Jetpack plug-in will be displayed, so press the "Install" button to install the plug-in. When the installation is complete, press the "Enable" button to activate the plug-in.

Jetpack Plug-in Settings – Security

Jetpack offers so many features, but if you want to operate WordPress yourself on a rental server, you're only going to need about five features. Other features are basically not used. So, I would like to explain only the functions that will be needed.

Set up downtime monitoring

Turn on the downtime monitor. The function is that when the server is not able to access the server due to some abnormality such as maintenance or 500 errors, it will automatically notify you to the email address of the WordPress.com account obtained when you install Akismet or Jetpack. My core server is maintained in the middle of the night and the server may stop, so sometimes I get an email notification on the downtime monitor.

Set up protection from hit-and-hit attacks

Enable protection against hit-and-file attacks to prevent bots and hackers from logging into your site using a username and password combination that's easy to guess.

As mentioned above, it protects against hacking attacks such as unauthorized login attacks on wordpress management screens. We recommend that you turn this feature on as well. When used in conjunction with Site Guard WP plugin, your WordPress site can provide a stronger defense against hacking attacks such as unauthorized logins.

Prevent unauthorized WordPress logins with SiteGuard WP Plugin
WordPress accounts for 30% of the world's share, so it is subject to hacking and cracking attacks. In such a time, installing SiteGuard WP Plugin will prevent unauthorized login to the management screen of your website.

Jetpack Plug-in Settings – Writing

Performance doesn't have any features to turn on, so let's talk about the features we'll use in writing. In writing, I use the feature to allow facebook and Twitter widgets to be used as widgets in the side area of a website when working with Facebook or Twitter.

Widget settings
  • Additional widgets, such as subscription forms and Twitter streams, are now available on your site
  • Enable widget display controls to show widgets only on specific posts and pages

Both of these features are turned on. The effect of the feature is that you will be able to → widgets provided by jetpack in the "Appearance" and "Widgets" of the Management Screen. With this widget, you can easily view Facebook Page posts, Twitter timelines, Instagram timelines, and more in various places on your website.

Jetpack Plugin Settings – Sharing

Sharing settings are a feature that allows you to link with social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. When you link with SNS with Jetpack, it is recommended because it automatically outputs and cooperates with OGP tags without setting OGP tags or API settings. If you want your WordPress site to work with Facebook pages, Twitter, Instagram or other social media, it's a good option to introduce this Jetpack plugin.

Set up automatic sharing of posts to social networks

We recommend that you turn on the automatic sharing setting for posts to social networks. If you want your WordPress site to work with your Facebook Page, Twitter, instagram timeline, this setting is mandatory. As for the effect of the function, when you write an article and publish it, it will also post to the timeline of SNS that is automatically linked when this setting is on. It can be said that web marketing using SNS is now essential. At a minimum, Facebook and Twitter want to work together. If you want to promote your product, you can also link it with Instagram. Jetpack is a very useful plugin with this "Auto share posts to social networks" feature alone.

That's all you'd primarily need for Jetpack. Although it is a multifunctional plug-in, there is a disadvantage that the program collides with other plug-ins when various functions are turned on. It is a good idea to check the function on the official page of jetpack plug-in, turn on the function one by one, check the effect and implement it.

Jetpack – WP セキュリティ、バックアップ、高速化、成長
バックアップやマルウェアスキャンなどの強力なワンクリックツールで、WP のセキュリティを向上させます。 統計情報、CDN、ソーシャル共有など必須の無料ツールを入手できます。

I think that it is good to understand the function by visiting the official website of the Jetpack plug-in above.


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