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What is Reset CSS – The Basics of Web Production

Last Updated 2021.11.28

What is web production basic reset CSS?

It is natural in the field of web production design, but the idea of resetting css design seems unfamiliar to those who have just opened a website for the first time in WordPress. CSS is code that allows you to customize the design part of a website's page, but since the HTML 5 and CSS 2.0 standards were enacted, the idea of resetting the design of the default HTML element has spread to unify the look of any browser, any PC, or mobile device. This is the concept and concept of reset CSS.

What is CSS reset?

On the pages of websites displayed in the browser, the default design layout is set when interpreting HTML by browser, such as how to display by HTML tags, for example, if it is an H1 tag, the characters are large and bold, and the input tag has a different button design depending on the browser. This default design layout is displayed in the design layout as intended in Chrome in the process of web design, but in FireFox and Safari, button design is different, H1 tag font design layout is broken, etc. In web design, it is easy to become a factor that the premise of displaying it as intended in a cross browser collapses. Reset CSS was named because CSS resets the design layout of each HTML tag in order to display the web design as intended in this cross browser.

Reset CSS is available worldwide

Reset CSS is developed all over the world and is often published free of charge.
Among them, we will introduce famous things that are used as the main in the field of web production.

HTML5 Doctor Reset CSS

It is a reset CSS corresponding to the current HTML standard, HTML standard 5.
It is said that it is a reset CSS that has been adopted a lot in the field of web production.

In particular, if there is no habit and there is no commitment, it is recommended to build the design of CSS based on this reset CSS.
The reset CSS download page can be found at the link below.


It is a reset CSS developed by Yahoo!, and it is as famous as the HTML5 Doctor Reset CSS above.

The code is not published on the web, and it is officially recommended to read the CSS file placed on the WEB server.
However, since the public web server is http, websites where https is the mainstream may get security warnings on the browser, and it is not recommended.
If possible, it is a good thing to open the CSS file loaded with href, copy the source and incorporate it into your site's CSS.

More Reset CSS
  1. Universal Selector Reset
  2. Normalize.css
  3. ress.css
  4. Reboot.css

The reset CSS above resets each element in CSS but still adds a bit of design layout by default.
It is important to note that CSS does not simply reset the design layout of HTML elements.

How to use reset CSS

In the field of web production, it seems that there are many cases where the HTML5 Doctor Reset CSS introduced above is used by arranging it by adding an additional reset element for each web design project. Reset CSS is also adopted in the theme of this site, and there is a description of the code of reset CSS at the beginning of each HTML element.

By understanding reset CSS, you will be able to know the individuality of various browsers and expand the range of web design. In order to expand the range of web design, in order to improve the efficiency of HTML coding, there are various uses, but knowing reset CSS is convenient because you do not need to write extra CSS code. If you are interested, I think that it is good to test the design layout of each HTML element using HTML5 Doctor Reset CSS, and the behavior in cross-browsers such as Chrome, FireFox, Safari, etc.

How to emulate and display a mobile device from a PC in Chrome
There is a function that emulates the terminal of iPhone or Andriod phone with the function of Chrome browser and can display the website on the mobile terminal. You can check the layout of the responsive design by using this function.


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